Adult workers are about 10-16 mm long with the queen about 25% longer. The abdomen usually banded with yellow and black and may be marked with red. The wings will be folded along the side of the body.
Adult workers are about 10-16 mm long with the queen about 25% longer. The abdomen usually banded with yellow and black and may be marked with red. The wings will be folded along the side of the body.
Yellow jackets are social insects and live in nests. The adults are made up of sterile females, queens and males. Nest sizes vary.
Yellow jackets will usually nest in the ground in places where vegetation is bare. If there is vegetation around nest site they will clear the area around the entrance. Yellow jackets are very slow to sting unless the nest entrance is approached and then they are quite aggressive. They can sting repeatedly. Nest located in or on buildings can be a problem when located near human activity.