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Paper Wasp

Paper Wasp

Paper Wasp is the common name for medium to large-sized wasps that construct nests made of a papery material. The nests of most species are suspended from a single, central stalk and have the shape of an upside-down umbrella and consists of a layer of compartments for the young. Most paper wasps measure about 2 cm long and are black, brown, or reddish in color with yellow markings. 


The colony begins in early spring. As the colony matures, males and the next year's queens are produced. These queens mate with males and are the only members of the colony to survive through winter. In late summer or autumn, the founding queen, workers (unmated females), and males all die. The newly mated queens hibernate, typically in piles of wood, in vegetation, or in holes. The following spring they emerge and begin the cycle again. 


Adult food consists of nectar or other sugary solutions such as honeydew and the juices of ripe fruits. Paper wasps also feed on bits of caterpillars or flies that are caught and partially chewed before presenting to their young. If you come into contact with the nest there is a high probability you will be stung.

Paper Wasp