Adults are about 12 mm in length. They are light brown to tan and have 2 dark longitudinal stripes on the head shield. They are strong fliers. Their colour is similar to the German cockroach.
Adults are about 12 mm in length. They are light brown to tan and have 2 dark longitudinal stripes on the head shield. They are strong fliers. Their colour is similar to the German cockroach.
The egg capsule is yellowish brown but usually two-toned. Each capsule holds about 30-40 eggs. The female carries her egg capsule until about 1-2 days before the young are ready to hatch. Development time is approx. 65 days.
Adults will fly when disturbed. Outdoors, they are typically found in shaded areas with thick grass or abundant litter. At night they are attracted to lights, light reflected from surfaces and windows.