Adults are about 12 mm in length. They are light brown to tan except for 2 dark longitudinal stripes on the head shield. Females are darker than males. They rarely fly.
Adults are about 12 mm in length. They are light brown to tan except for 2 dark longitudinal stripes on the head shield. Females are darker than males. They rarely fly.
The egg capsule is yellowish brown but usually two-toned. Each capsule holds about 30-40 eggs. The female carries her egg capsule until it is within 1-2 days of hatching. Developmental time usually varies from 54-215 days. The adults will live about 100-200 days.
German cockroaches prefer warm and humid areas. They are found in kitchens, restaurants and bathrooms. Infestations often occur in rooms where people eat and drink. They feed on almost anything of nutrition value including such things as soap and glue.