Adults are about 3-6 mm long, with the female being larger than the male. They are dull gray, with the face having 2 velvety stripes.
Adults are about 3-6 mm long, with the female being larger than the male. They are dull gray, with the face having 2 velvety stripes.
The adult female will lay a total of 75-150 eggs per batch and will lay 5-6 batches in her lifetime. The eggs hatch in less than a day. The maggots (larvae) will develop in 3-7 days. Adults will live between 15-25 days. House flies will eat anything and regurgitate fluids to turn their food into liquid to feed.
Females seek almost any warm, moist material with sufficient food for larval development for egg-laying purposes. Daytime house flies tend to rest less than 5 feet from the ground on walls, floors, and various objects. At night they rest primarily above 5 feet on ceilings, walls, plants, etc. usually near their daytime food source.