Adults are about 12 mm in length. They are light brown to tan except for 2 dark longitudinal stripes on the head shield. Females are darker than males. They rarely fly.
Adults are about 12 mm in length. They are light brown to tan except for 2 dark longitudinal stripes on the head shield. Females are darker than males. They rarely fly.
Adults live about 7 to 10 days and deposit eggs on the moist soil surface or in soil cracks. Females lay up to 100 to 300 eggs in batches of 2 to 30 each in decaying organic matter. Eggs hatch in 4 to 6 days; larvae feed for 12 to 14 days. The pupal stage is about 5 to 6 days.
Fungus gnats reproduce in moist, shaded areas in decaying organic matter such as leaf litter. The life cycle is about four weeks. Larvae not only feed on fungi and decaying organic matter, but on living plant tissue.