Adults are about 13-18 cm with the tail. The fur is smooth and usually dusty gray above and light gray or cream on the belly. The muzzle is pointed, eyes are small, ears are large, feet short and broad, and a uniformly dark, scaly, semi-naked tail.
Adults are about 13-18 cm with the tail. The fur is smooth and usually dusty gray above and light gray or cream on the belly. The muzzle is pointed, eyes are small, ears are large, feet short and broad, and a uniformly dark, scaly, semi-naked tail.
They reach sexual maturity in 35 days. Pregnancy lasts an average of 19 days. The average litter size is anywhere from 5-8, with about 8 litters per year. The life expectancy is normally less than a year. Mice have keen senses, except for eye sight and are colour blind.
Mice are very social. They will eat a variety of foods, but seeds are the usual preferred food. Their preferred nesting sites are dark, secluded places where there is abundant nesting material nearby and little chance of disturbance.