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Roof Rat

Roof Rat

Adults are 40-45 cm long. The tail is longer than the head and body. The fur is soft and smooth; colour is between brown with black intermixed to gray to black above. The muzzle pointed, eyes and ears are large. The tail will be scaly and uniformly dark. 


Roof rats reach sexual maturity in 2-5 months. Each litter contains up to 8 young. Roof rats have poor vision and are colour blind, but their other senses are highly developed. Touch is done with their whiskers. They are good runners, excellent climbers, jumpers and swimmers. 


Roof rats are primarily nocturnal and they are very cautious. They prefer to nest in the upper parts of structures. Outdoors, they prefer to nest in higher places such as in trees but may be found in burrows. They will eat almost anything, but prefer fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Roof Rat