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Powderpost Beetle

Powderpost Beetle

There are several species of wood-boring insects that reduce wood to a, flour-like powder Exit holes are round and range from 1-3 mm in diameter depending on the species. Indication of an infestation is the accumulation of piles of very fine powder-like dust beneath the exit holes. Their coloration is reddish brown to black and their size ranges from 3-12 mm.


The females lay their eggs in exposed wood pores, cracks, or crevices and the larvae tunnel into the wood. The mature adult bores straight to the wood's surface and emerges. Indoors, adults will emerge in early spring or late autumn. Development time depending on species can be from 9 months to 4 or more years.  


These beetles attack the sapwood and only that of hardwoods, usually less than 10 years old. Adults are nocturnal, readily fly and are attracted to light. Powderpost beetles are usually brought into structures in wood which contains their eggs and/or larvae.

Powderpost Beetle