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Plaster Bagworm

Plaster Bagworm

The larvae live in the characteristic gray, seed-shaped case, which measures about 1.25 cm long and is constructed of silken fiber and sand particles, lint, paint fragments, and other debris that is found. It has a slit-like opening at each end, and the tiny caterpillar is able to move around and feed from either end. 


Female moth lays eggs on crevices and the junction of walls and floors. They are cemented on debris that is found in these areas with suitable food. The eggs will take more than 10 days to hatch. Larvae will mature in 50 days before they pupate. The entire cycle from egg to adult averages 62-86 days. 


Plaster bagworms are easily seen on light-colored walls attached to the underside of chairs, bookcases, and other furniture. They are often found along the edge of rugs, near baseboards, or on the lower edges of walls. Bagworms are quite common in garages and underneath buildings.

Plaster Bagworm