European earwigs, the most common species, are reddish-brown, approximately 2 cm long with long antennae and a noticeable set of pincers which protrude from the abdomen. The pincers of the male are curved whereas those of the female are straight.
European earwigs, the most common species, are reddish-brown, approximately 2 cm long with long antennae and a noticeable set of pincers which protrude from the abdomen. The pincers of the male are curved whereas those of the female are straight.
In early spring, after hibernating in soil, the female earwig lays up to 60 eggs near the surface of the soil. The eggs hatch after 7 days and nymphs emerge. The nymphs are similar to adults, only smaller. The nymphs develop into adults in about 70 days. Earwigs live for approximately one year.
Earwigs are a common garden insect that occasionally go indoors in search of moisture. Earwigs typically hide in dark, moist areas during the day and come out at night to search for food. They feed on decaying plant and animal matter and can also cause slug-like damage to garden plants such as flowers, fruits and vegetables.